
Direct Bank Transfer

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Bank Account Holder Name - This should be your name.
Your Bank Account Number - This is the number of your bank account.
Bank City - The City where your bank is located.
Bank Full Name - The full name of your bank.

Check Payment

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Send the check to the next Address:

51 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, QC. Canada, H5Z 4T9.

(Please mention in the check for which cause you donate).

Donate Along With Us Funding Area: Environment

The Sierra Club is America’s oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Inspired by nature, we are 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors, working together to protect our communities and the planet.

Our involvement: Charles Tomberg, The Philip and Helen Brecher Charitable Fund and the Marty Tomberg Charitable Fund have financially supported this organization.

Projects We Support

Building Climate Friendly Communities: Smart Use Planning for the Silicon Valley
The Building Climate Friendly Communities: Smart Land Use Planning for the Silicon Valley project is a critical phase in the Loma Prieta Chapter’s ongoing effort to respond locally to the threat of climate change. Building on our highly successful Cool Cities campaign, Building Climate Friendly Communities focuses our network of community leaders on accelerating adoption of a smart growth planning paradigm in Silicon Valley. Right now many cities are updating their general plans and the proposed high speed rail system is commencing its environmental review process. Locally, community action in response to climate change has been phenomenal. Our direct involvement in these planning efforts can ensure that their design and implementation adhere to smart growth principles creating walkable, livable communities that are sustainable into the future.

Support Dates: May, 2009 – May, 2015

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