Donate Along With Us Funding Area: Environment
SolarCycle began in 2008 in response to the staggering environmental damage and negative health effects caused by contaminated drinking water and indoor air pollution in the developing world. Seeking to address this issue with locally-available, low-cost materials, SolarCycle’s founders, John Tilleman and Drew Durbin, looked to trash. Mr. Tilleman and Mr. Durbin have designed a revolutionary material made from used plastic bags and the aluminized interior of chip bags, which will replace virgin plastics and mirrors in solar concentrating applications. Using this “upcycled” manufacturing process, SolarCycle produces the most durable, sustainable, and financially accessible solar cookers and water pasteurizers on the market and turns an urban trash problem into a potential solution for diarrheal illnesses and respiratory diseases.
Our involvement: SolarCycle won the 2009 Tomberg Prize in Environmental Sustainability which is funded by the The Marty Tomberg Charitable Fund.
Projects We Support
Support Dates: June, 2009 – July, 2010