Funding Area: Environment
Rainforest Partnership is an international non-profit organization committed to protecting and regenerating tropical rainforests. We partner with local communities in Latin America to develop sustainable livelihoods that empower and make it more valuable for them to keep their forests standing. Our model focuses on targeting specific communities facing substantial environmental threats and combines scientific analysis and economic development choices with local knowledge, culture and desires to find a sustainable economic outlet that will allow the preservation of both the communities and forests. By creating a global network—linking people to people, community to community—we act as a catalyst to create long-term economic and environmental sustainability.
Our involvement: The Marty Tomberg Charitable Fund has financially supported this organization.
Projects We Support
Kichwa Arts and Crafts Project
Rainforest Partnership has been working with the indigenous Amazonian Sani Isla community and the Ecuadorian NGO Conservación y Desarrollo on the “Kichwa Arts and Crafts Project.” The project’s aim is to revive the art of traditional handicrafts made with resources from the local forest. RP is working with the women of Sani Isla to help them create and market crafts as a means of earning a sustainable income and an alternative to deforestation.
Support Dates: May, 2010 – May, 2015
Traditional Medicinal Project
Traditional medicine plays a very important role in the Achuar culture and way of life, connecting the 45 distinct communities in the territory. Despite the Achuar community being endowed with the innate knowledge to create traditional medicines, they lacked the necessary infrastructure as well as the skills to successfully market their products and services outside of their territory.
Thus far, thanks to The Marty Tomberg Charitable Fund, the traditional medicinal center was built in the prominent Wijint community in the Achuar territory and has been given the Achuar the opportunity to train community members and exchange traditional knowledge between the different communities in their territory. The center will also provide the Achuar the critical infrastructure support to carry out activities and host patients from far-off locations. Overall this project will seek to protect both the cultural heritage of Achuar, as well as the biodiversity in the area through the creation of a socio-economic business model that will value the Achuar culture and traditional livelihood through a sustainable use of natural resources.
Support Dates: April, 2017 – March, 2020
Enabling Conservation Stewardship in Indigenous Communities in Peru
The native community of Santa Rosa, part of the Amahuaca nation, is located in the Yurua district, Ucayali region, Peru, less than 20 miles from the border with Brazil. With less than 500 people autodenominated Amahuaca in Peru and with their language officially recognized in 2017 (Ministerial Resolution 064-2017- MINEDU), the Amahuaca people are distributed in a handful of communities in the Ucayali and Madre de Dios regions in Peru, and the state of Acre in Brazil. The community of Santa Rosa owns 20, 000 hectares of forests, where they practice agriculture in less than 0.5% of their territory, and continue to have hunter-gatherer practices for most of their nutritional needs. These practices have been sustainable for a long time, however, as the forests recede due to the expansion of extractive industries, the Amahuaca feel the need to revisit the use of their natural resources. In recent years, due to political changes in Brazil, many indigenous peoples from Brazil are escaping to Peru because they are being massacred by illegal miners and illegal timber extractors that feel empowered by the current president of Brazil. All these factors have made the Amahuaca people of the Santa Rosa community seek support from Rainforest Partnership to (1) get further recognition over their territory and by creating a community-owned protected area, (2) document their traditional ways of managing their natural resources and through social and biological data collection, construct participatory management plans, (3) to document their conservation practices and insert them in the educational curricula of their schools in their own language.
Support Dates: March, 2020 – March, 2021
Sustainable community-led conservation management for indigenous communities of eastern Peru
Year 2
Deep in the Amazon Rainforest, near the Peru-Brazil border, the Yurúa Communal Conservation Association (ACCY) is an association of nine communities of five indigenous peoples (Asheninka, Yaminahua, Ashaninka, Amahuaca and Yanesha). They are organizing to conserve, defend, and manage around 276,758 acres (~112,000 hectares) of forest. In 2019, the Peruvian state granted this land to the ACCY as a “Conservation Concession.”
Why we chose this project?
We want to strengthen this association’s management of their conservation concession. We will support and promote sustainable activities that improve food security and local economies so they can be more resilient to external threats, and make sure these processes are long-term.
How it works.
- Building off the solid foundation of research and our established relationships in the region, we will develop participatory management plans for the use of natural resources in the ACCY, in collaboration with the nine communities who form the association, Alto Purús National Park (PNAP), and SERNANP.
- We will work alongside local education authorities to weave environmental education into the local curriculum and promote sustainable production of huasai or acai Euterpe oleracea as a sustainable economic option.
Year 3
Our work in previous years has been focused on documenting the biological and cultural diversity of the project area, assessing the use of resources by indigenous communities, capacity-building of community leaders, creation of a life plan (planning tool for indigenous communities) through a participatory process, and creation of a community-owned protected area. In this third year, we aim to appropriately value and promote the transfer of ancestral knowledge about the use of natural resources within the indigenous populations of the Yurua basin, to be used for opportunities for sustainable development.
Support Dates: March, 2021 – March, 2023