Funding Area: Education
Mission Fulfilled 2030’s goal is to Inspire | Educate | Activate 100K Black Boys from disadvantaged and underserved communities to meet the digital high tech workforce demand of 2030.
January 2020, the first Computer Science Program launched and enrolled over 500 youth worldwide.
September 2020, as a young nonprofit, the organization was able to have a big impact over the pandemic and raise $30,000 from donations from donors to support students who did not possess computers during this time. The nonprofit organization provided over 100 students with Chromebooks.
In September 2021, we launched the Youth Tech Entrepreneurs Program. This program has since become the flagship of our program and the online version impacted over 7,000 youth thus far. The program now runs as an entry-level workforce development program at UPREP High upon which we have enrolled over 200 young men.
As a developing organization, we’re making good progress toward achieving our goals and with assistance from the philanthropic community, we can achieve our grand vision of impacting 100,00 Black males by 2030.
Projects We Support
IT Fundamentals Certification Pathway for BIPOC Boys
The Information Technology Fundamentals (ITF) Certified Workforce Development Program will not only serve to meet the predicted high-tech and STEM workforce demand shortage of the future but will have a long-term impact on the income/wealth and opportunity gap for young men within the BIPOC community of Rochester, NY.
Nationally Men of the BIPOC community makes up less than 5% of the high-tech and STEM workforce. Unfortunately, many young Black boys do not have the opportunity to see or interact with this small community and therefore cannot see themselves participating in the digital high-tech jobs of the future.
Black boys have a 50% graduation rate nationally and Black men make up less than 2% of the public school workforce of that 2% none of them are engineers or computer scientists. The 50% of Black boys that graduate on average, are ‘C’ students who don’t qualify for most collegiate STEM programs, therefore, are excluded from the highest-paying employment opportunities which widen the income-to-wealth and opportunity gaps for the BIPOC community.
Young Black males of low-income BIPOC communities that attend Title I schools do not experience Career and Technical Education opportunities delivered by Black men, when asked what they aspire to do in the future will state “I want to be in the NBA, NFL, or Rap Star.” But what goes unsaid is many will aspire to be drug dealers and see this as an opportunity to become successful based on what they have seen within their communities and what mainstream and now social media has portrayed as the vision of success.
Young black males that do not see a positive outlook for their futures tend to get engaged in nefarious activities that lead to becoming incarcerated as young adults which is a sad state as a majority of these young Black males are extremely talented and if presented with the right opportunity would become productive fathers, community builders, and mentors for the next generation.
Support Dates: March, 2022 – Ongoing