
Direct Bank Transfer

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Bank Account Holder Name - This should be your name.
Your Bank Account Number - This is the number of your bank account.
Bank City - The City where your bank is located.
Bank Full Name - The full name of your bank.

Check Payment

(this is a site)

Send the check to the next Address:

51 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, QC. Canada, H5Z 4T9.

(Please mention in the check for which cause you donate).

Funding Area: Education

Educate! works to transform education in Africa to teach youth to solve poverty for themselves and their communities.

Educate! provides youth with skills training in leadership, entrepreneurship and workforce readiness along with mentorship to start real businesses at school, with the goal to make this practical, skills-based model part of national education systems.

In 2016, Educate! is working in 100 schools in Rwanda and 12% of secondary schools in Uganda (350 schools) reaching over 120,000 students. Educate!’s model was proven to have massive impact in a randomized controlled trial. Educate! Graduates earned DOUBLE the income of a control group and had a 64% increase in business creation.

Educate!’s vision is to reach one million students annually across 10 countries in Africa by 2024.

Our involvement: The Marty Tomberg Charitable Fund has financially supported this organization.


Projects We Support


Educate! Experience for Three Schools in Uganda

Educate!’s two-year leadership and social entrepreneurship program provides youth with skills training in leadership, entrepreneurship and workforce readiness along with mentorship to start real businesses at school. The model is delivered through practically-trained teachers and youth mentors. Funding supports Educate!’s program in three schools, reaching over 1,050 youth, with 120 students intensively impacted as Educate! Scholars.

Support Dates: March, 2012 – April, 2017


Image descriptions (from top to bottom):

  • Student at Kampala High School shows Student Business Club garden project.
  • Educate! lesson (interactive game) at Kampala High School.
  • Educate! lesson at Kampala High School.

Photos by Ashley Turner for Educate!

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