
Direct Bank Transfer

(this is a site)

Bank Account Holder Name - This should be your name.
Your Bank Account Number - This is the number of your bank account.
Bank City - The City where your bank is located.
Bank Full Name - The full name of your bank.

Check Payment

(this is a site)

Send the check to the next Address:

51 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, QC. Canada, H5Z 4T9.

(Please mention in the check for which cause you donate).

Funding Area: Health

Bainbridge Youth Services (BYS) is a 62 year old nonprofit dedicated to promoting the social and emotional well-being of adolescents in Kitsap County, WA through counseling and diverse outreach programs and services. BYS is the only no-cost provider of mental health counseling, education and employment services for youth and their families in Kitsap County, WA. The organization strengthens the safety net for teens who are struggling with depression, anxiety, abuse, eating disorders, or other mental health issues.

Our involvement: The Philip and Helen Brecher Charitable Fund has financially supported this organization, Mark Travis previously was a counselor there and Michael Tomberg serves on their board.

Projects We Support
The Tomberg Family Philanthropies have funded the askBYS website for several years. The website is a place where adolescents can access information on a myriad of topics, anonymously contact a counselor or doctor, and make an appointment for our therapy services. Questions asked to the counselor or doctor are answered by local therapists and MDs. This allows us to reach youth who are unable to meet us in our physical space, and give youth a place to receive personalized answers to their questions.

Support Dates: March, 2012– March, 2017

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