Would you like to help us make a difference?

Consider applying for our Grants Administration and Proposal Research Internship Opportunity.

This grant cycle we have significantly increased the intern stipend.

The Tomberg Family Philanthropies is sponsoring an internship for participants in Masters level programs in Philanthropic Studies, Nonprofit Management or related fields. The intern will get firsthand experience working at a grantmaking organization, will work closely with our board, and will learn about our policies and procedures and about what we look for in grant proposals. The intern will be able to work from their home for most of the internship.

The primary responsibilities will include grants administration, proposal research, social media management, policy and procedure recommendations, and special projects. We are committed to this internship being a valuable experience for the intern as well as for our organization.

The internship can be structured so that a shorter part of it corresponds to a semester or quarter long internship as required by the intern’s academic program, and there is a $10,000 stipend. For more information and instructions on how to apply please read our Internship Announcement document.

Internship Timeline: 
Dates of the Internship:May, 2023 – May, 2024
Application Deadline:April 30, 2023
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